I wanted to see the national sport of Nihon, Japanese stlye wrestling. It is a really big deal over here. But they only have 6 tournaments a year and the next one is in November. I will be out of there by then, but I thought that I would share what I found out.
Sumo wrestlers are usually between the ages of 20 to 35 and can be any size, small to super sized. There are no weight classes either. So a small guy could go up against a very big guy. So weight gain is an important part of their training. They also all live together in what is called a stable. They have a stable master that helps with training and weight gain and manages their lives.
This next photo is the inside of a sumo stadium in Tokyo.

Fights only last a few seconds so don't blink. I have been told that they could last up to a minute but it is extremely rare.
So what do they have to do to win?? Basically, the wrestler who first touches the ground with anything other than the soles of the feet or leaves the ring before their opponent, loses. Simple.
There is a whole ritual to the fighting as well. If you want to actually see it, try looking on youtube.com. I can't get it to work or I would link you there.

I probably would go and watch this just for the experiance. I mean how many people can say they got to see sumo wrestling? I honestly don't know any U.S wrestlers. I haven't ever watched wrestling.
ReplyDeleteI think you should go to Kiki, Japan next. I did it as my presentation and I think it has some neat qualities about it. There's some interesting things about it.
Go to Kiki!
WOW thats pretty interesting. I would have never guessed that sumo wrestling only lasted a few seconds!! I honestly think they should wear more than a mawashi. I would say the best US wrestler is Jake Herbert. I have only seen him wrestle once and that was the frist time I have ever watched wrestling. I say go to Fukuoka Japan next! This place has shrines and beautiful temples. This is the best part, in Hakata City, they have a Lantern festival. That i think would be an awesome experience. AND......it has the Fukuoka Tower which has 8,000 mirrors, this is in the city that is named is the trendiest city. Go there next!
ReplyDeleteWow! That would be sooooo FUN to watch in person. Too bad you won't be there to watch it in person. I never knew thats sumo wrestling only lasted a few seconds.
ReplyDeleteIn movies and on TV it seems longer than a few seconds.I dont know who the best wrestler is in the US.I think you should go to Hongshu Japan next.
WOW!!! That would be cool to watch in person.I can't believe that they only wear a mawashi!I can't believe that the fights only last a few seconds. I would think that the fights would last a few minutes.I tihnk that Jake Herbert is the best wrestler in the U.S.You should go to Akita next.
ReplyDeleteSam would watch this in person, FO SHO. That's crazy that they don't have weight classes. I guess you really do have to just gain as much weight as you can!
ReplyDeleteOh and uh, I don't think there's any other choice but to go to OSAKA to see the WHALE SHARK!!! just look at that profile picture. Pretty cool beans, right?
Sumo seems like a pretty physical sport. It is kinda like our WWA wrestling. I play that on playstation with my little brother and dominate! Yes i would go and watch this show. I think it would be entertaining. From my opinion Ray Mesterio is the best wwrestler and i think you should go to Hykodo. I dont know if i spelled that right?
ReplyDeleteSumo wrestlers are amazing![:
hey i think that the sumo is cool but wired to me i would hate to be the person how washes the diper looking things . i think it is not fair if anyone can go agenst oneanther. i think that the guy form china should win.
ReplyDeleteWell i thought that looked pretty awsome i would love to go and see th dance they do with they're legs!! I don't really know the best wrestler so i would have to pass! I think you should go to Mt. Fuji.
I would go see this in person because I think it would be very funny to see two big guys just smacking each other. The best american wrestler is The Undertaker from WWE. You should go to Hiroshima next because it is one of Japans most famous cities.
ReplyDeleteI would go see this in person just so I could say I have. I dont watch wrestling so I dont really care who would win. I think you should go to Mt. Fuji and see how far you can climb it.
ReplyDeleteIs that a serious question? Heck yes i would go watch this! I might meet a mighty fine japanese guy there thats totally not a sumo wrestler!
ReplyDeleteI don't watch wrestling at all, but im guessing when Hulk Hogan wrestled, he was?
okay, for your next stop, im thinking, Disneyland in Tokyo?
Yes, I would go see this in person and how awesome would it be to actually go to a sumo wrestler stadium?! I don't really know who is the best wrestler in the U.S. becuase i don't watch wrestling. I think you should go to Mt. Fuji next and see how long it will take you to climb it.
ReplyDeleteSo, go to Mt. Fuji!(:
I would totally go to see Sumo wrestling! It sounds pretty cool. I think it would be fun to go to one of the tournaments so I cold see more then one match up. I would feel bad for the smaller guys they probably get beat all the time. And I really don't know any wrestlers in the U.S. I've never took intrest in watching it.
ReplyDeleteNext I think you should go to Harajuku Station and meet Harajuku girls so you can see their wild fashions! :)
Sumo Wrestling seems like a fun thing to watch, its just too bad it doesn't last that long. The oonly thing that would make Sumo Wrestling better to watch would be if they wore a bit more clothing along with the mawashi.
ReplyDeleteThe next place you should visit is Ise Japan.There they have a Shrine that one of Japan's emperors had established as the primary Shinto shrine and every 20 years they destroy the main building and rebuild it at an adjacent area on the grounds.
Not going to lie Sumo Wrestling seems like a wildly entertaining and sickish thing to watch! It seems like something you would only be able to experience if you were there in the front row wathcing. My own personal opinion would be that its intense if you enjoy watching those kinds of things.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Danielle, lets learn about some Harajuku Girls! So many of us have heard about them but I say we learn some more.
Have fun watching Sumo! Take lots of pictures (:
SOOO, that pretty much looks like something i would laugh at the whole time. It also looks really hard and i would never have the nerve to get into a diper in front of so many people in not good shape! I think you should go see the Harajuku girls. They are totally crazy with their outgoing fashion styles. Now i think about it i kinda want to go see Sumo Wrestling.
ReplyDeleteI hope you have fun on your next adventure cant wait to hear about it!
i find sumo wrestling interesting because they fight but they dont fight like we do here in the US. i think that they need to wear more clothes than the mawashi. but the fact that the fights only last a couple seconds is pretty cool. i truthfully dont know anyone that wrestles here in the United States. i thnk you should go to some type of nature place. like waterfalls!!!
ReplyDeletethis looks so awsome i would totaly go and watch this. I actually wish we had this in the united states. i really dont know who the most famous wrestler is in the united states because i really dont follow wrestling. If it was sumo wrestling though i would totaly follow it.
ReplyDeleteno , i don't think i would go to way\tch the sumo guys . i dont even like the real wrestling , but i do like the ufc fights ! thowes are cool . but i dontknow the most famous wrestler in the us .